If you want to block additional numbers (up to 25), Enhanced Call Rejection is available in some areas. This feature lets you block up to 10 unwanted phone numbers. When it's first installed, it's turned off turn it on by pressing *60. The Call Rejection feature has to be ordered and added to your account. When an unwanted caller tries to reach you, he/she hears a pre-recorded message saying you're not accepting calls.Numbers on your call rejection list are not able to call your home. To block calls, create a "rejection list" and add the phone numbers you want to that list.How does Call Rejection help you block unwanted phone calls? Then anyone calling from a number on your list will not be able to get through. To do this, enter a list of phone numbers that you want to reject. Use Call Rejection or Enhanced Call Rejection to block specific phone numbers from reaching you. (You can have up to 25 numbers on your list.) Incoming calls from the specific number(s) you've selected won't hear the No Solicitation message.
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Incoming calls with the area code and prefix you've selected won't hear the No Solicitation message. Incoming calls from the area code you've selected won't hear the No Solicitation message. There are three ways to set privileged callers: Method You can set up a privileged caller list that will allow callers you choose to bypass the No Solicitation greeting. It is most effective for solicitation calls. If you're trying to block a harassing caller, this feature is unlikely to be effective. But in fact, anyone can press 1 and be connected through to your home phone. This feature relies on the honesty of the calling party, trusting that they will hang up if they're trying to solicit your business. An automatic message asks solicitors to hang up and tells regular callers to press 1 to complete the call. The No Solicitation feature blocks calls and functions like a screening service.