My x and o lyrics
My x and o lyrics

my x and o lyrics

PRE-CHORUS: 1-2-3 they gonna run back to me Cause I’m the best baby that they never gotta keep 1-2-3 they gonna run back to me They always wanna come, but they never wanna leave.ĬHORUS: Ex’s & Oh’s They haunt me Like gho-o-sts, they want me To make them all They won’t let go Ex’s & Oh’s. Now, there’s one in California who’s been cursin’ my name Cause I found me a better lover in the UK Hey, hey, until I make my getaway. If I was one of your so called boy friends, you never would of hurt me becouse I wouldn't of given you the chance becouse after one day with you, you'd never see me again, after one look at you I'd not have stuck my neck out, infact one look at you, and that would be a deal breaker for me, you're not my type to begin with, I wouldn't give you a second look sweetheart!.I had me a boy, turned him into a man I showed him all the things that he didn’t understand, Whoa, then I let him go. And you say you're not a mean person, yet you've hurt numerous guys for what I see as no good reason, and in my book that makes you a liar, a hipocrite. Looks to me like you take great pleasure in dissing guys.

my x and o lyrics

Just becouse you've been hurt by guys, doesn't make it okay for you to hurt them, 2 wrongs don't make a right, infact that's all the more reason not to hurt them becouse you know what it's like on the receiving end. John from Syracuse, New YorkJudging from the lyrics of this song, and the inspiration of it according to Ms King, she clearly has a problem with men.If that "acceptance" is not there, then you know it's time to go. There is only acceptance of who we are inside. They leave when things are not convenient anymore and we have to stop trying to change one another. Plan and build your life around a dream, a job, a career, NOT people. Their absence is the most important thing for me. I wouldn't even bother to write them a song to be honest. They have their ego somewhere up in the sky,and they are competitive. I don't stay friends with people from the past, and I don't even think about who they might be dating now in my place. It's called "self respect".you know the only thing that matters is to be financially independent, the rest is really "details". I've left people right after a first date. I'd say most men don't even get 1 date of 2 hours. I love the comments of toxic men, saying that after 1 day with her, they would run away. It's better to be alone, than being in a toxic relationship. Of course we are trying to do the right things, but women need their independence as well. Every relationship will influence the next one. But you have to be careful with who you date. I love the song, because if a man does that to women he is seen like "alpha", but when a woman leaves them, they get confused.

my x and o lyrics

Slytherin Girl from ItalyIt's a song about why men get dropped, so stop being cynical about her body.

my x and o lyrics

Zodeus BloombergWho are the men from the video.

My x and o lyrics