keys together, or, on a Mac, use the combination Ctrl + Cmd + space. I love it when a game allows me to use emotes and dance around. Not to forget the rebranding of the instant messanger product from msn messenger hotmail to live msn messenger. There is a keyboard shortcut to use them just as easily on your computer. Now MSN is featured with msn messenger winks but also there's a complete msn messenger online version of it, called web msn messenger. Since the first version of msn instant messenger which has been released in 1999 a lot has changed.

Many are based on combinations used in e-mail and sms messaging before graphics were available and can still be used for that purpose. Some of these keyboard shortcuts for msn messenger emoticons will work in other instant messaging programs like Yahoo Messenger, Skype, Gtalk, AIM etc.
You can use the alt code shortcut to access the emoji in a document if your computer does. Make sure it’s not a word you use often, as every time you type this word, the shrug emoji will appear. You can then copy and paste the shrug emoji on the right, putting a word like ‘shruggie’ or ‘shrug emoji’ on the left.
These are graphic icons that you can use in Microsoft's MSN Messenger program and other instant messanging software by entering a keyboard shortcut combination. To chat using an emote, type / followed by the emote name. Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Text. Most keys on a standard keyboard can be bound. U+1F602 Shortcodes:joy: (Discord, GitHub, Slack) :facewithtearsofjoy: See also. "Emoticons" is a word created from the combination of the words emotion and icon. In the game client, press Esc to open the Options menu where Hotkeys is located: In the League Client Update, click on Settings (cog icon on the top right corner of the window), and click on Hotkeys: To remove customization and go back to the standard keybindings, just click 'Restore Defaults'.